About Us

Welcome to AmericanLivewire.com, your go-to for all things news, entertainment, business, and more! We publish for all ages, but aim to make content enjoyable and informative for both young and old alike. Welcome to the site!

Who We Are

At AmericanLivewire.com, we are a team of young journalists, with our finger on the pulse of modern America. We cover everything from news, hot takes, celebrity buzz, business, and video gaming.

What We Do

  • News: Stay updated with the latest news and views as they happen around the nation!
  • Business and Finance: Gain insights into business trends, financial management, and innovative strategies that drive success in today’s competitive market.
  • Video Gaming: Learn all the latest news and get tips about your favorite games in the fastest growing entertainment industry in the U.S!

Our Mission

Our mission is to make news and staying updated in a fast-moving world more enjoyable and informative. Today, we all rely too much on social media for our views, and what has become clear is that it should not be trusted. We can’t go back to the old ways of consuming media, but we should all try to choose where we do that more wisely!

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We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have questions or feedback our team is here to help. Reach out to us and let’s start a conversation.